Dating Tips For Guys In High School : Dating Advice For Women: What Do Men Think Is Beautiful? – Submit to any check-out aisle inside a grocery or department store and you may see dozens of gorgeous women smiling back at you from the covers of fashion, beauty and gossip magazines. They have perfect teeth, porcelain skin, and also the latest make-up tricks and trends playing up their already flawless features. Their locks are blow-dryed, hair-sprayed nirvana. They're wearing The newest designer clothes plus they are… NOT what most men consider beautiful. Curious? Read on…
The female demographic spends billions annually on products and clothing that quite frankly certainly are a shrug key to men. Magazines and wonder franchises spend much more selling us around the latest trends in eye make-up, lipstick, foundation, hair products and skincare regimes. We view the ad and the happy pretty model with the perfect features and glowing skin and we want to be her. The issue is, the majority of us are “enhancing” ourselves to thrill men, not women, and unfortunately, we're playing on the wrong audience. Our female friends admire our new hair style, eye shadow or designer clothes. However for most men, they might care less Should you be wearing Vera Wang, and a lot are happier that has a woman who wears less make-up. So, with this confusing dichotomy in mind, what exactly is it that men find beautiful in a very woman?
“Most men such as a woman who exudes femininity along with a fresh, sparkling look,” I had been told by 85% with the 2,000 men I surveyed. “Remember Farrah Fawcett from Charlie's Angels? She didn't wear heaps of make-up and her hair bounced and looked natural without stiff hair spray.
Her sex appeal was the right white teeth, flowing mane and young girl femininity,” said J. Banks from North park, California.
Mr. Banks wasn't alone with his assessment of the thing… … [Read More - Dating Tips For Guys In High School]
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